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The 310th Virtual Fighter Squadron | home
![]() Welcome | Squadron Info | Flight Roster | Kill Board | Squad Room | Tophat History | Bomber Command | Recruiting | IL-2 Forgotten Battles | IL-2 Stumovik | The Virtual USAAF | Links | Aircraft Library | A word from our Commander
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Origin
![]() The Tophats are here!
![]() The 310th Virtual Fighter/Bomber Squadron (310th VF/BS for short) was started in March of 2002 by our Commanding Officer. The Squad is loosely based on the 310th Fighter Squad of the 58th Pursuit Squadron of the 5th USAAF which served in the Pacific Theater during World War 2. This real life squadron was chosen by our CO due to the fact that his grandfather served with the unit both in W.W.II & the Korean War. And as way way to remember the heroic deeds and bravery of their pilots. We would hope to honor that memory by conducting our selves in such a manner while playing online, that would not dishonor the good name and reputation of the REAL 310th Fighter Squadron which is still on active duty today.
![]() And then they were three.....
![]() After playing IL-2 Stumovik for several months our CO bumped into another guy with the 310th in his callsign while playing on Hyper Lobby. They both had the same ideas and beliefs, as well a good understanding of what they wanted to achieve in forming their own squad, rather than joining another IL-2 Squadron. After a few days they bumped into another guy while flying on Hyper Lobby with the same ideas. And thus the 310th VF/BS was born!
![]() From there the Squad has continued to grow, slowly but surely, to our current roster. At present the squad is set up for a full roster of 32 pilots, with 24 being active duty and 8 being reserve pilots. The squad has 5 Flight Wings, 4 active and one in reserve. Of our 5 flight wings 3 are fighter wings, one a reserve wing (flying anything with wings), and one dedicated bomber wing. They are Alpha Wing, Bravo Wing, Charlie Wing, Delta Wing (Bombardment) , & Echo Wing (reserves/training). After our roster is full this will make us one of the largest and hopefully the best USAAF Virtual Squadrons playing IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles. There are also plans in the works for a dedicated Night Fighter Wing as well, if those planes are made available for IL-2 in the future.
![]() We will have many bomber crew positions available when the squad switches over to IL-2 Forgotten Battles in March of 2003.
![]() For more information or to Join the Tophats Squadron simply go to our recruitment page and fill out the short form there.
![]() Which Aircraft do we fly?
![]() Simply put ALL OF THEM. If it is included in the game we fly em'. However we are a US based Squadron, and prefer USAAF aircraft, due to lend lease programs, pilot exchange programs, and captured aircraft we will not limit our selves to ONLY flying US planes. But for Fighter operations we will be Flying P-47D Thunderbolts as our main aircraft, as this was historically correct for our Squadron. And latter on we hope to incorporate the P-51 Mustang & P-38 Lighting as well. For Bomber operations there is no BETTER aircraft than the B-17 Flying Fortress, if modeled correctly in the game, this plane will be a force to be recond with. There was almost nothing that flew that could bring one of those babies down with ease. There are stories and photos showing B-17's returning to base with holes in them big enough to drive a car through them. AND THEY FLEW THEM HOME! So for that reason the B-17 will be our main choice for a bomber aircraft when it becomes available. For a secondary bomber we will most likely use the B-24's, B-25's or B-26's, if and when they are added to the game.
![]() Voice Communication
![]() For the moment the Squad is using Rodger Wilco for our main voice com program.
How ever we are experimenting with TeamSpeak, which seems to have many many more features,
but is more complex to learn.
While there are said to be many different programs of this type out there, these two seem to be the most popular . We will evaluate many of these programs over the next few months, and post our reviews here. Hopefully we will soon find one that fits our needs.
More to come soon!
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